Lessons are all Intermediate Level — recently updated
and reformated. There are 5 Lesson Books and all together
72 lessons. The newest expanded lessons 65-72 can be used by teachers and pupils alike. You can order any or all of the Lesson Books,
or any of the individual lessons by themselves. Autographed and/or
inscribed upon request.
all you want to order)
Contains lessons 1 - 72
Contains lessons 1 - 20
1 |
The Weak Two Bid |
2 |
Long Suit Establishment |
3 |
Counting the Hand |
4 |
Placing the Opponent’s Honors |
5 |
Discarding |
6 |
Responding to a Takeout Double |
7 |
Common Errors in Bidding, Play & Defense |
8 |
Defense - Counting the Opponent’s Tricks |
9 |
Signaling vs. Suit Contracts |
10 |
Modern Uses of the Cue Bid |
11 |
Deception (by Declarer) |
12 |
Opening Leads vs. Suit Contracts |
13 |
To Finesse or Not to Finesse- Part I
14 |
More Techniques of Finessing- Part II
15 |
Leads vs. Notrump Contracts |
16 |
Slam Bidding at Suit Contracts |
17 |
Slam Bidding at Notrump Contracts |
18 |
Planning a Strip and End Play |
19 |
Third Hand Play |
20 |
The Jacoby Transfer |
Contains lessons 21 - 35
21 |
The Negative Double |
22 |
23 |
Loser on Loser Plays |
24 |
The Avoidance Play |
25 |
Planning the Defense |
26 |
More Defensive Techniques |
27 |
Card Combinations
28 |
Ducking Plays at Suit Contracts
29 |
Proper Care & Handling of Fourth Round Losers
30 |
Overcall or Double? |
31 |
Counting Losers at Suit Contracts |
32 |
Hand Evaluation |
33 |
Major Suit Raises |
34 |
Passed Hand Bidding |
35 |
The Simple Squeeze |
Contains lessons 36 - 48
36 |
The First Trick (Declarer Play) |
37 |
The Lead-directing Double |
38 |
Counting Declarer's Hand |
39 |
33 Do’s and Don'ts for the Responding Hand |
40 |
Common Sense Defense
41 |
Notrump Defense |
42 |
Doubles: Takeout, Direct, Balancing, and Responsive
43 |
Responding to a One Level Major Suit Overcall
44 |
45 |
Preemptive Bidding |
46 |
Planning the Play |
47 |
21 Traps to Avoid as the Opening Bidder |
48 |
Assumptions, Inferences, Conclusions |
Contains lessons 49 -64
49 |
Notrump Play, part I |
50 |
Notrump Play, part II |
51 |
Notrump Play, part III |
52 |
Getting a Ruff and Giving a Ruff |
53 |
Dummy Recognition |
54 |
Extra Tricks in the Trump Suit |
55 |
Notrump Defense – Lesson Hands |
56 |
10 Winning Bidding Tips |
57 |
Opener’s Rebid |
58 |
Responder’s Rebid After a One Level Response |
59 |
When Opener Give Delayed Support |
60 |
With Four Card Support Plus Splinter Jumps
61 |
The Support Double and Redouble |
62 |
Recognizing a Misfit |
63 |
Reversing After a One Level Response |
64 |
Responder’s Rebid After a One Level Response |
Contains lessons 65 -72
The following recently developed eight topics can be used by teacher and pupil alike. I use these lessons successfully when I teach. There is enough material in each lesson that the teacher will have example hands for anywhere between two to four class periods. Each lesson has an introduction and the example hands are set up so that South is not always declarer, making the teacher's job a 'bit' easier. I have tried to even up the number of hands played in each direction. Each hand includes bidding, play and defensive commentary.
65 |
How to Use the Bidding to Guide You in the Play and Defense
These example hands are designed to show the reader how important it is to listen and absorb the bidding. Many errors can be avoided by paying attention to what is going on. [21 pages, 20 example hands]
66 |
How to Figure Out the Missing Cards in the Closed Hands — Who's Got What?
This lesson shows how the opening leader can often figure out what partner and declarer have from just from seeing their play to the first trick. This refers to knowing every missing card in the suit from the play of just one trick! It's magic once you get the knack.
[14 pages, 19 examples]
67 |
Modern Uses of the Redouble
This lesson will give you a good foundation for using the redouble properly in its many forms. [19 pages, 15 hands]
68 |
How the Type of Dummy Guides Your Defense
This is a necessary lesson for anyone who wants to seriously learn how to defend a bridge hand. Some of the material from this lesson can be found in Lesson 52 from Kantar Lesson Book IV. This version is expanded with many more examples. [22 pages, 20 hands]
69 |
Two Suited Cuebids and Unusual Notrump Overcalls
This is an important topic showing you how to compete with with a two-suited hand using but one bid. This lesson comes with five pages of introduction, plus examples to further consolidate the subject.
[20 pages, 15 example hands]
70 |
How to Play the Contract as Safely as Possible, Being Aware of What Can Go Wrong (And doing something about It, particularly when the contract looks good — almost too good to be true)
A strong declarer must realize there are times to risk a contract for overtricks and there are times where just making the contract is the bottom line. This lesson gives you the ins and outs of both approaches. It also brings up the topic of Safety Plays. [21 pages, 20 example hands]
71 |
Card Combinations to Be Familiar With
It is almost impossible for a player who is familiar with the common card combinations to be a losing player. This lesson deals with many of these combinations that you really should know. The topic is also covered in Lesson 27 in Kantar Lesson Book II, but many more example hands here. [
25 pages, 20 examples]
72 |
Bidding and Lead Inferences that the Declarer Can Make
This lesson shows you how, as declarer, you can use their bidding, (what they bid and what they don't bid), and their leads, (what they lead and what they don't lead), to get a handle on their hands and at times play as if using mirrors. [11 pages, 5 example hands]
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