#51 Why?
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
S. J108763
H. K
D. KJ104
C. 104
West (you)
S. 2
H. QJ94
D. A765
C. AQ72
South West North East
1S Dbl. 4S All Pass
Opening lead: HQ
Dummy's king wins and a low diamond is led to partner's deuce and declarer's nine. Plan your defense.
Win the ace and lead a spade to partner's ace so partner can lead a club through declarer's king. How do you do know partner has the SA? If declarer had it, why didn't he lead a spade at trick two to get to his hand to pitch a club on the HA? Elementary, my dear Watson.
The East hand: S. A H. 76532 D. 832 C. J653
The South hand: S. KQ954 H. A108 D. Q9 C. K98
#52 Which Way to Go?
Dlr: South
Vul: Neither
IMP scoring
S. 532
H. KJ8
D. J10
C. QJ1084
East (you)
S. A764
H. 6
D. AK54
C. 7653
South West North East
1S Pass 2S Pass
4S All Pass
Opening lead: D3 (you play 4th best leads).
You win the king as declarer follows with the seven. What now?
Solution: Partner either has a doubleton diamond (unlikely) or has led from Qxxx(x).
It would be rare for partner to lead a low card from a length suit that is not headed by an honor. Assuming partner has the DQ, your defense is marked. Shift to a heart at trick two, win the third spade to see a couple of partner's discards. and unless something dramatic happens, undelead the diamond ace to get a heart ruff, the setting trick.
The West hand: S. 8 H. 9742 D. Q8632 C. K92
The South hand: S. KQJ109 H. AQ1053 D. 97CA C. A
The lead of a low card in an unbid suit, if not from shortness, should promise an honor card. With four or five small, second highest, by agreement, is usually led.
When holding the trump ace, having already led your singleton, and needing but one ruff to defeat the contract, it may pay to hold up the ace one or two rounds watching partner's discards to determine partner's "entry suit". However, if you need two ruffs to defeat the contract, win the trump ace while you have at least two rump left in your hand.
#53 Piece of Cake
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
S. 653
H. KJ8
D. Q1052
C. Q83
East (you)
S. K109742
H. A5
D. A5
C. J109
East South West North
1S 1NT Pass 2NT
Pass 3NT All Pass
Opening lead: SQ
Which spade do you play, and what is your plan?
If you don't overtake the SQ, you won't need a plan! Decarer with a likely AJx of spades will duck the queen and now declarer will have time to drive out both of your red aces before you can set up your spades. If you overtake, you will have time to set up your spades before both red aces can be driven out.
The West hand: S. Q H. 76432 D. 763 C. 6542
The South hand: S. AJ8 H. Q109 D. KJ98 C. AK7
A 1NT overcall has a slightly larger range than a 1NT opening bid. It checks in at a good 15 to 18.
Do NOT signal partner encouragement to continue the suit that has been led if there is a good chance that partner may not have another card in the suit-and you can defeat the contract by overtaking. Amen to that one.
#54 Marshalling Your Forces
Dlr: South
Vul: None
S. Q5
D. KJ6
C. Q6432
East (you)
S. 97
H. K92
D. 95432
C. J109
South West North East
1H 2S (1) 4H All Pass
(1) Weak
Opening lead: SA (A from AK at trick one)
You start a high-low with the nine and partner continues with the ace and jack of spades, dummy ruffing with the HJ. Plan your defense.
Partner cannot be expected to hold any more important honor cards. Count points. Dummy has 15, partner has shown up with 8 and you have 4 for a total of 27. South should have at least 12 leaving partner with zilch as you can see all four jacks. So where is the setting trick to come from? Well, if partner has the H10 and you do not overtrump, your H9 will promote to the setting trick. It is far and away your best chance. If you overtrump, your 9 will not promote.
The West hand: S. AKJ1043 H. 10 D. 1087 C. 875
The South hand: S. 862 H. 876543 D. AQ C. AK
Be reluctant to overtrump an honor with an honor if your honor will always take a trick and you have a possibly promotable spot card as well.
#55 What a Dummy!
Dlr: South
Vul: None
S. 109
H. 97
D. 76543
C. 6543
East (you)
S. A32
H. QJ108
D. A102
C. J109
South West North East
2C (1) Pass 2D (2) Pass
2S Pass 3C (3) Pass
3H (4) Pass 3S (5) Pass
4H (6) Pass 4S (7) All Pass
(1) Strong and artificial
(2) Waiting (Some respond an artificial 2H to deny an ace, a king or 4HCP.
(3) Double Negative Denies an ace, a king or 4 HCP
(4) Natural and forcing (could be a four card suit)
(5) Not forcing
(6) Natural (5-5 in the majors) Responder might have two spades and three hearts
(7) When will this torture end?
Opening lead: DQ Plan your defense
For openers , play the DA at trick one. Declarer has a major two-suiter and could well have a singleton king of diamonds. Whether or not the DK falls, your play is to switch to the ace and a spade to make sure you get two hearts tricks. Any other defense is off the wall. Clubs tricks cannot get away and the only thing useful about this dummy is the possibility of heart ruffs. ,
The West hand: S. 654 H. 32 D. QJ98 C. Q872
The South hand: S. KQJ87 H. AK654 D. K C. AK
When partner leads a queen against a suit contract and third hand has the ace and there is any chance that declarer has a singleton king, third hand had better rise with the ace or he will never hear the end of it.
When dummy's only redeeming feature is side suit shortness (hearts), trump leads are usually the best defense, particularly if one of the defenders has strength in dummy's short suit.
#56 Socking it to Them
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
S. K109
H. J3
D. AK865
C. K32
East (you)
S. QJ75
H. 84
D. 7
C. QJ8764
South West North East
1S 2H 3D Pass
3S Pass 4S All Pass
Opening lead: HA (A from AK)
You start a high-low echo with eight and partner continues with the king and queen of hearts, dummy ruffing with the S9. Plan your defense.
Discard, preferably a diamond, instead of ovetrumping. Your S7 is a very big card. If you overtrump, you will wind up with one trump trick as declarer can easily finesse you out of your queen after partner shows out under the SK. However, if you discard you can later cover the ten with the jack and your Q7 will be worth two tricks.
The West hand: S. - H. AKQ1065 D. 109432 C. 95
The South hand: S. A86432 H. 972 D. QJ C. A10
Be leery of overruffing dummy if you can get an exta trump trick by not overtrumping.
#57 Card Reader
Dlr: West
S. AKJ10
D. 73
C. 1098
West (you)
S. -
H. 1032
D. AK109864
C. 732
West North East South
3D Dbl. Pass 5C
All Pass
Opening lead: DK (At the five level or higher the king is led from the AK)
Partner plays the D2 and declaer the D5. What next?
What can partner have in diaonds? He can't have J2, he would have played the J. He can't have QJ2, he would have played the queen. He either has Q2, or a singleton deuce. In either case it is safe to lead the D10 as a suit preference play. If partner ruffs he will return a spade and if partner wins the queen he will return a spade. Foolproof.
The East hand: S. Q87543 H. 8765 D. Q2 C. 4
The South hand: S. 962 H. J4 D. J5 C. AKQJ65
Knowing partner cannot throw a queen under a king lead to show a doubleton, allowances have to be made for partner holding Qx.
The king is the normal lead from the ace-king at the five or six level. One often times wants to lead the ace without the king at this high a level. The king is also led from the ace-king in supported suits for the same reason. One may wish to lead an ace without the king in a supported suit. The lead of the ace in a supported suit denies the king.
#58 Three for You, One for Partner?
Dlr: South
Vul: None
S. QJ1054
D. 876
C. K87
West (you)
S. 8
H. J943
C. 9432
South West North East
1NT (1) Pass 2H (2) Pass
2S Pass 3NT Pass
4S All Pass
(1) 15-17 (2) Transfer
Opening lead: DA
You cash the first three diamond tricks both partner and declarer following. You've done your part, but where is 4th trick coming from?
Assuming declarer has 15 HCP, partner has three. If partner's points are in clubs, it's not going to help as declarer can discard a club from dummy on the HA (if partner has something like QJx). If declarer has something like: AKxx Ax xxx A10xx, there is still no club trick coming because partner has the QJ doubleton and declarer has the 10. If the setting trick can't come from clubs or hearts (partner can't have the ace) it must come from spades.
If partner has Kxxx, there is no problem because he always has a spade trick, declarer having Axx. But if declarer has Axxx, partner with K9x can only garner a spade trick if you play a fourth diamond, your correct play. What can declarer do?
If he doesn't ruff in dummy, partner ruffs with the nine driving out the ace, and dummy ruffs with an honor, partner discards and now the K9x is a natural trump trick.
The East hand: S. K92 H. 8762 D. 432 C. 1065
The South hand: S. A763 H. A105 D. 1095 C. AQJ
Adding declarer's points to dummy's points and then adding the total to your points tells you approximately how many points partner has. It is much easier to guage the defense with this information.
When it is clear that NO tricks are coming from the side suits, give the declarer a ruff and a sluff. Good things can happen.
When declarer has a notrump range of 15-17, assume 16. However, if dummy comes down rather "heavy", assume 15 because that gives partner an extra point and makes it easier to project a winning defensive scenario.
#59 Discardng is an Art Form
Dlr: West
Vul: None
S. AQJ10
C. 653
East (you)
S. 764
H. 4
D. J9653
C. 10987
West North East South
1H Dbl. Pass 2S
3H 4S All Pass
Opening lead: HA
Partner continues with the HK at trick two. What do you discard?
I almost feel guilty about asking you what to discard, when the answer is that you should discard a trump! It is imporant for you to get the lead early to push a club through declarer before declarer pitches clubs on diamonds. What does it serve to discard anything on this hand? Use you trump as an entry, partner's trick notwithstanding. At least you aren't trumping partner's ace (as you would if partner leads king from ace-king), so it doesn't make for quite as good a story. As it happens, trumping partner's king at trick two and leading a club is the only defense that defeats the contract.
The West hand: S. 2 H. AK10953 D. 1074 C. AQ2
The South hand: S. K9853 H. 8762 D. 8 C. KJ4
South jump response of 2S shows 9-11 reevalued points. An unbid five card major is worth 2 extra points and that's how South gets to 9 on this hand.
Trumping one of partner's tricks to lead another suit may be necessary if dummy has a threatening side suit, particularly if this is your last chance to lead this "other" suit.
#60 Murphy's Law
Dlr: South
Vul: None
S. Q93
H. 109
D. Q9753
C. KQ8
West (you)
S. 5
H. Q75432
D. AK6
C. A94
South West North East
1S 2H 2S Pass
4S All Pass
Opening lead: DA (A from AK(x) at trick one in unsupported suits
Partner plays the D10 at trick one and you continue with the DA, partner
following with the four. In the meantime, declarer has followed with the
deuce and jack. What now?
Ever heard of Murhphy's Law? Basically it's this: If anything can go wrong, it will. On this hand you can give your partner a diamond ruff, but then you have to sweat out partner returning a club after you have bid hearts! Why not cash the CA before giving partner the ruff? So easy, but you have to think of it. If you fail to cash the CA and partner returns a heart, declarer can pitch his losing clubs on dummy's diamonds. How sad.
The East hand: S. 1072 H. J86 D. 104 C. 107532
The South hand: S. AKJ865 H. AK D. J82 C. J6
Anytime you can make life easier for partner, do it! Look a trick or so ahead on defense. You know partner will ruff the third diamond so ask yourself what he is likely to lead next. Surely it will be heart, so why give partner a chance to err; cash the CA before giving partner the ruff.