#61 You are the Boss!
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
North (dummy)
S. AK52
H. 43
D. K8
C. KQ1075
East (you)
S. 10943
H. AJ10
D. AQ5
C. 984
North East
South West
1C Pass
1H Pass
Pass 3H Pass
All Pass
Opening lead: D3
(4th best leads)
Dummy plays the king and
you win the ace, declarer playing the six. Now what?
You know
from the lead that partner cannot have more than five diamonds and
you know from the play of the king that partner has the DJ. If declarer
had the DJ, he almost surely would have played low from dummy. You know enough
to defeat the contract! Play the queen and a third diamond forcing dummy to ruff.
Once dummy ruffs you must get two heart tricks. If you don't play a third diamonds,
declarer has the wherewithal to discard his own third diamond before leading hearts
from dummy TWICE.
The West hand: S.
J876 H. 65 D. J9432 C. J6
The South hand: S.
Q H. KQ9872 D. 1076 C. A32
Yet another technique
of promoting a trump trick is to force dummy to ruff reducing the
number of finesses dummy can take in the trump suit.
62 You have three tricks, but you need four!
Dlr: North
Vul: East-West
North (dummy)
S. K87
D. AQJ762
C. 9
East (you)
D. 105
C. A8543
North East South
1D Pass
1S Pass
Pass 4D
4S All Pass
An expert North would have rebid 2H over 1S intending to support
spades later. Note: If South raises hearts, South must have five spades. With
4-4 in the majors, the proper response is 1H.
Opening lead: CQ You rise ace and spear South's king. Now
South figures to have five spades (probably would not have passed
4S knowing of a 4-3 fit) and has one club leaving South with 7 red cards. If
South has four diamonds and three hearts, partner has a singleton diamond and might
have led it in desperation. Most players like to lead singletons so much that they
lead one even if they don't have one. No, it looks more like South has three diamonds
and four hearts. If that is the case, partner has a doubleton heart and you can give
partner a heart ruff if you shift to a heart and p play a heart each time you get
the lead in spades.
The West hand: S. 652 H. 98 D.
98 C. QJ10762
The South hand: S. J10943 H. 6432 D. K43 C.
At times you can infer side suit shortness in partner's hand and give him a ruff
even though he didn't lead the suit.
#63 A Slam Dunk
Dlr: East
Vul: Neither
North (Dummy)
S. KQ9
H. AQ32
D. QJ982
C. 5
East South West North
1C 1H Pass 4H
All Pass
Opening lead: CJ Plan your defense
Clearly you must try to establish two spade tricks before the diamonds
are established. In other words, you must project the DK or the DA in partner's
hand and shift to the SJ at trick two. If your projection is accurate and declarer
has at least three spades, you will wind up taking two spades, one diamond and a club.
The West hand: S. 8643 H. 84 D.
K65 C. J1082
The South hand: S. 752 H. KJ1097 D. A7 C.
When dummy comes down with an established, or soon to be
established side suit, an attacking defense is called for. Good defenders project the least necessary of the missing
honors in partner's hand necessary to defeat the contract. Here, the DK.
#64 Looking Ahead
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
S. KQJ10
H. 954
D. K109
C. 654
South West North East
1D Pass 1S Pass
3D Pass 4D(1) Pass
5D All Pass
(1) Played as not forcing
Opening lead: H2 Plan your defense.
It's clear that you need at least two tricks between clubs and hearts outside of
the SA to defeat this contract. In other words, partner needs either the HQ or the
CAQ if he does not have the HQ. If you play the HK and it loses to the ace, as it
surely will, and a spade is led driving out your ace, which suit are you going to
return? The way to avoid the guess is to play the HJ at trick one! Partner
is not underleading the HA into the strong hand so declarer has that card. If
the HJ loses to the ace, you will know it is right to continue with hearts when in
with the SA. If the HJ loses to the queen, you will know it is right to switch
to a club. Third hand high does have some exceptions, you know.
The West hand: S. 982 H. 10732 D. 86 C.
The South hand: S. 6 H. AQ6 D. AQJ5432 D.
There are at least three points to take away from this hand:
1. As third hand when you see 9 or 10 cards in a
side suit between your hand and dummy, assume partner does not have a singleton in
that suit.
2. When leading from a weak side suit
(hearts), when you have a stronger side suit (clubs), conisder leading a high disccouraging
spot card in the first suit, for example the H7.
3. At a trump contract third hand holding the KJx(x)
partner leading a low spot card dummy having small cards should consider playing the
jack to discover who has the queen. This play is particularly important if third hand
has a quick entry (SA) and will have to decide which of two suits to return upon getting
in. If third hand does not have a quick entry, the king is the better play. If the
jack is played and partner has led from the queen, partner will think declarer has
the king.
#65 Something to Think About
Dlr: North
Vul: Neither
North (dummy)
S. 765
D. A63
C. KJ1072
North East South West
1C 1S 2NT
(1) Pass
3NT All Pass
(1) 13-15 (Some play 11-12 in competition)
Opening lead: SQ Plan your defense
Declarer is marked with either the AJx or the AJxx of spades. In
either case declarer has two spade tricks. However, it is important to drive out those
two spade stoppers before clubs, dummy's long suit, are developed. The proper
play at trick one given your interior spot card strength is the SK guarding against
partner having the singleton queen. If you don't play the king, declarer can play
low and partner, with a singleton, will have to switch suits and you won't be
able to drive out both spade honors in time.
The West hand: S. Q H. 105432 D.
Q954 C. 653
The South hand: S. AJ43 H. AJ7 D. K107 C.
#66 The Killer
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
North (dummy)
S. 54
H. AK5432
D. 9
C. KQ109
East (you)
North East South West
1H Pass 2S Pass
3C Pass 3S Pass
4S Pass 4NT Pass
5D Pass 6S All
Lead: C8 Dummy plays the queen. Plan
your defense.
Partner's lead appears to be top of a doubleton in which case declarer
has four clubs. And what he is going to do with them? He will surely set up
dummy's hearts to try to pitch club losers. And once the hearts are established, how
will declarer get to dummy to use the hearts? Well, if you take the first club
he will have a club entry to dummy. However, if you duck the first club, you kill
the heart suit. Play low at trick one.
The West hand: S. 976 H. J87 D. K8542 C.
The South hand: S. AKQJ82 H. 6 D. AK C.
A long suit in dummy that needs to be established by ruffing, declarer needs a return
entry to dummy to use the suit. One way to kill that return entry is to make a ducking
play in the suit partner leads (ducking the first club).
#67 The Director
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
West (you)
S. 72
H. K98
D. K7653
C. 954
North East South West
1C 1S 2H Pass
4H All Pass
Opening lead: S7
Partner wins the first three tricks with the Q, K and A of spades. What do you discard
at trick three?
A low diamond is the correct answer. You want partner to lead a 4th spade, not a
diamond. If partner plays a 4th spade, you must make a heart trick. If declarer discards,
you will insert the H8 driving out the ace, establishing your king. If declarer ruffs
high, you discard and your K98 morphs into a natural trump trick. In fact, your hearts
don't even have to be that strong to promote a trump trick with a 4th spade play.
K9x or Q9x are sufficient.
The East hand: S. AKQ63 H. 3 D. J1092 C.
The South hand: S. J98 H. QJ1072 D. AQ C.
When making a discard, first ask yourself which suit you want partner to lead. 2nd
question: Which suit is partner likely to return without a clear cut discarding
signal. The answer to the first question on this hand is a spade, not a diamond. A
spade lead ensures a trump promotion set. The answer to the second question is a diamond.
Your job is to make a discouraging discarding signal in diamond forcing partner to
rethink the issue.
#68 Haste Makes Waste
Dlr: South
Vul: None
North (dummy)
S. J96
H. QJ4
D. KQJ1063
C. 5
South West North East
1S Pass 2D Pass
2NT Pass 3S Pass
4S All Pass
Opening lead: D2 Dummy plays an honor. Plan
your defense
North's 3S bid, delayed support at the three level is a game force. South's 2NT bid
shows extras. Perhaps the strength of an opening 1NT with five spades.
Partner has led a singleton diamond. You can win the ace
and give partner a diamond ruff for two tricks. Your ace of spades is 3, but where
is #4 coming from.
You cannot give your partner a second diamond ruff when in
with the SA because partner won't have any more trump left. He only started with two!
Since you can give partner a diamond later, you should try to build up a heart trick
by leading the suit now in case partner has the king. After all, partner can't lead
a heart from his side and a heart trick, if it exists, must be built up pronto.
The West hand: S. 54 H. K976 D.
2 C. 876432
The South hand: S. KQ1083 H. A82 D.
754 C. AK
It pays to know how many trump partner has. Frequently
the bidding tells you. Many a defensive play is based upon knowing this.
When partner leads a singleton and you have the ace of the
singleton suit as well as the ace of trump, there is the possibility of giving partner
two ruffs...IF partner has at least three trump. If partner only has two trump, you
can only give partner one ruff and it is usually right to try to build up a side suit
trick before giving partner that one ruff. At least it is something to think about.
#69 To Remember
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
North (dummy)
S. A103
H. 765
D. Q92
C. KJ43
S. 862
South West North East
1NT Pass 3NT All
Opening lead: S5 Dummy plays low, which
spade do you play?
The deuce. Might as well
give partner count. When dummy has three cards in the suit
that has been led and third hand also has three cards headed by
the 8 or lower, there is no good reason to play the eight. It will
seldom drive out anything of value and partner will remain in doubt
as to the count. However, if you play the deuce showing three (or
a singleton), partner will have a much better chance to figure out
the hand.
The West hand: S. KJ754 H. J93 D.
A86 C. A7
The South hand: S. Q9 H.
AK4 D. KJ1075 C. Q92
Consider the actual layout. If you play the deuce, it is easy enough for partner
to work out that declarer started with Q9 doubleton and get out with the SK after
winning the DA. Declarer winds up with 8 tricks. And if declarer tries to steal
a club at trick two, West should rise with the ace and continue with the SK setting
up the setting tricks in spades to take when in with the DA. It's win-win
for third hand play to play low from three small when partner leads the suit at notrump.
#70 What does it Mean?
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
North (dummy)
H. J
D. KQJ53
C. KQJ93
North East South West
1D Pass 1S Pass
3C Pass 3S Pass
4S Pass 5S Pass
6S All Pass
South's 5S bid asks North if he has first or second round heart control, the unbid
suit. North confirms second round control by bidding 6S. If North had the HA, he would
cuebid 6H in case a grand was biddable. If North had the HK, he would bid 5NT in case
South wanted to play the hand in notrump from the North seat.
Opening lead: HK Which heart do you play?
The 8 or the 10. There is much confusion
as to what third hand's play to the first trick means when partner leads a high card
and there is a singleton in the dummy.
Some play suit preference at all times. A better rule
is that the play is suit preference if there is no possibility of a trump promotion.
Here you clearly want partner to play the HA if he has it to promote your SJ. Playing
a high heart should ask partner to lead a second heart. Why shouldn't it show the
Assuming South has his wits about him, the 5H bid should show both minor suit aces.
If South had only one minor suit ace he would cuebid the suit at the five level if
he were interested in slam. With two heart losers and only the SK, South must
have a terrific hand to try for slam.
The West hand: S. 5 H. AK952 D.
1087 C. 10874
The South hand: S. K1098642 H. Q74 D. A C.
If trump promotion is possible, an encouraging signal when dummy has a singleton
and partner leads the ace or king asks for a continuation. When trump promotion is
impossible, it is normally a suit preference play.
A jump to five of the agreed major or a raise from the four level to the five level
of the agreed major asks partner for first or second round control in the unbid suit.
If the opponents have been in the bidding, it asks partner for first or second round
control in their suit.
The responses to a raise to the five of level of the agreed
major are:
1. With the ace of the ask suit, cuebid
the suit.
2 With the king of the ask suit,
bid 5NT
3. With a singleton in the ask suit,
jump to the six level of the agreed suit.
4. Lacking first or second round control of the ask
suit, pass.